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Monday, December 30, 2013

Pray in the Best of Times

Pray in the Best of Times
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From Godly Woman's Daily Photo
Far too often people wait for the bad times to pray and get stuck in what to say.  I was very guilty of that in my earlier days.  Often when that is done, praying is a struggle because we have ignored God and then in embarrassment we want and expect His help, we then have no confidence in our prayers, and sometimes hardly know how to get started.  Like a good parents and their children, God wants to hear from His children.  

For many, in the good times, in the Best of Times we often think too highly of ourselves in our achieved accomplishments often thinking "I did it."  When in fact it was God who gave us the brain and body to accomplish the task. In seeking achievement we are going to run into bumps in the road to achievement and sometimes we will fail.  Prayer is the best way to learn how to handle achievement and the Glorious Way to learn how to accept failure.  In a prayerful life the least we can do is (1)- thank God for our abilities to achieve, and (2)- thank Him for teaching us the attitude that failure is unavoidable and just a stepping stone to success.

Praying in the Best of Times helps us in many ways, but it especially prepares us for our praying in the  Hard Times.  Here are just a few thoughts to encourage prayer during our "Best of Times":

1-  Prayer helps control our ego.   "I" is one of the most dangerous words in our language.  It get us in more trouble than we like to think about.  Too often "I" often leads us from the good times to the bad times (*1).

2-  In all our times, praying for others is important.  Praying for others helps us to be thankful for what we have and helps control our wants.  In being thankful for what we have it leads to giving up some of the desires and wants of what we don't have.  But best of all, praer is one of the chief tools to help us achieve a greater Personal Relationship with God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.

In praying for others, do not be shy about asking for prayers. Pray for friends in their hard times, but pray too for others in their Praise filled times (their good times) giving God the glory for a friends good fortunes.  Tell them you pray for them especially if they are not prayerful.
When we ask for prayers it shows our Faith in God, Faith in prayer, and sets a good example for others.  It is a great Gift to others in praying for them, especially if they do not pray much.  When a friend sees the power of prayer they may just become more prayerful.

3-  Praying helps us forgive others.  In forgiving others we remove anger and hate from our lives and this leads us to better relationships with all people around us.  It also helps keep us out of trouble since seeking revenge can often ruin our lives.

4-  Forgiving others helps us become aware of our own sin and short comings.  Maybe in our work we hurt someone by a word or deed.  In our ego we might not recognize we have upset them.  What if that person is part of your work team, it could lead to team related problems and possible failures of the team.  In achieving humble prayers we find there is no room for our ego.

5-  In forgiving others we come to realize we need forgiveness too.  One of the best petitions we can have in our humble prayers is, "Lord, I love you, please forgive me of my sins."  This helps clear our mind for better vision of our needs and wants, and knowing the difference.  

6-  It generally requires humility to realize our need for forgiveness.  It requires more humility to respond and ask for forgiveness.  In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus tells us "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth (Matthew 5:5).  In the writing "Meekness or Boldness"(*2) it is explained that meekness (humility) does not require us to be a doormat for everyone to step on.  Even Jesus chose just the right moments of His battles.  The world's greatest leaders people remember most are usually someone of humility from a modest background.  This includes people such as Moses, Abraham, Jesus, Paul, Martin Luther, Gandhi, and Martin Luther King to name a few.  Humbleness and meekness does not make a person weak.  In the end, humbleness and humility gives us greater strength to work with people and overcome the barriers to what should be done.  It it key to Trusting our Personal Relationship with God and accomplishing the goals He wants us to achieve.

7-  Praying reduces stress in our everyday life.  To learn about this Google 'prayer reduces stress'.  There are many articles on this.

8-  Prayers in our good times teaches us to accept God's answers in His timing and the difference between our needs and our wants.  God is not in the 'wants' business but is in the business of supplying our needs.  Learning to live with God answered prayers in His timing during our good times helps prepare us to be patient in our hard times.   Experience is a good teacher leading to remebering the great lessons we learn in our patience.

9-  In our acceptance of Jesus as Lord and Savior, we receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit in our daily lives.  To feel this Spiritual Guidance, to understand it is there, and to know it is real, we need to pray and pray and pray everyday.... and learn to listen.  Listening and feeling the Spiritual movement in our lives is hard when you have no experience in feeling and responding to the movement, pushing, and nudgings of the Holy Spirit.  Pray to God to feel the Holy Spirit move you.

We learn to feel the Holy Spirit in our lives by Seeking the Kingdom in Bible Study, community worship, and prayer.  Practice in the Good times makes this easier in the hard times.  It is encouraging to pray everyday  "Dear God, Help me feel the Holy Spirit in my life, even when I an not thinking about it, please help me allow and feel the Holy Spirit lead me in all I think, in all I say, and in all I do, especially in the panic of my hard times."  Doing this daily and often brings great change in our lives.  It is a great sign of trusting God and trusting our prayers.

10-  Finally, we must learn that sometimes the answer to our prayers is not what we expect and sometimes the answer is "no".  In the answer of "no", we may find that our request is not a need or sometimes God is expecting you to wait for something better to come.  But, whatever the answer is, praying daily in the good times we learn and experience the answer is always exactly what we need and exactly at the time we need it.  In our Hard times and being a prayerful person, patience and confidence in our prayers is already part of our prayer experiece.  Learning to wait on God's answers in His timing of delivering those answers builds our Personal Relationship with God, Jesus, and the Holy spirit.  In that, God builds us as with confidence in our prayers.

Pray Hard in the Good times, the Best of Times,
                   so in the bad times praying is easier.

But, above all, Pray in all times, often, daily; 
                     praying is a gift of God.

Thanks be to God

© lonnie coggins


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Publication  0194

Praying in the Best of Times can be difficult if we let our ego take control of our life.  Praying in the Good times, the Best of Times is good for us because it prepares us, teaches us, and helps us to feel and know the need to pray in our worst of times.  Click the link to read some thoughts on praying and how it helps us, in all our times.  Share on your fb page as you are lead to do so.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Trust Jesus, Trust God

Trust Jesus, Trust God

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One of the Great Commands of Jesus comes from John 14:1.

This command comes from Jesus in his final discussions with the disciples before His arrest.  He knew their needs and the hard times ahead as He had faced and would still face.  He knew what it meant to Trust God and the Glory in doing so.

As the Great Leader Jesus was and is, He gave words of encouragement to help them through the tough times.  They apply to us today as much as to the disciples He loved.  What we find is our own experience in Trusting God just proves what Jesus taught.

But more important, on Jesus' Resurrection by God on the third day, God Verified, Sanctified, and Glorified everything Jesus said and did.  Jesus trusted God!  As we trust God more, the more we will desire to Trust God.  That is simply the way it works because God made it that way.  Often our circumstances will not change, but as we Trust God, the more we experience the results of that Trust and then we desire to Trust God more.

The Bible is full of men and women that trusted God.  Noah, Abraham, Moses, Joshua, David, Solomon, Ruth, Mary, Joseph, the disciples, Paul, and the list goes on.

As we Trust God, Trust Jesus, and Trust the movement of the Holy Spirit in our lives, we grow in our Spiritual Maturity, some say we grow in faith.  But, our proven experience is- as we Trust God, we Trust Him more.  As we pray, in our patience we have answers to our needs and we Trust Him more.

God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit blesses us in so many ways.  How can we not Trust, how can we not feel God and Jesus in our lives, how can we not feel the Holy Spirit moving us to be greater than we are.

Trust God, Trust Jesus, Trust the Holy Spirit
These words have been moving people for nearly 2000 years, I hope they move you.  Trust- It will change your life.

Thanks be to God.

For more on Trust- click the link below
    The Faith of Abraham, a story of Trusting God

© lonnie coggins

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It is designed to be an uncluttered library of only ‘A Daily Thought’ postings.  

 Thanks and God Bless.


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Publication  0193


Trusting God, as trusting people, is a learned experience.  But, what we learn about trusting God, with the proper attitude, it always results in Joy when we trust Him in our providing our needs. Click the link for more on Trust and share as you are moved to do so.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

A Thought on Hurt, Anger, & Forgiveness

A Thought on Hurt, Anger, & Forgiveness
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12 And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.13 And do not bring us to the time of trial, but rescue us from the evil one.14  For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you;15  but if you do not forgive others, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

24  So I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.25  "Whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone; so that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses."

Being hurt over someone's behavior toward you is a Godly response, because, in being truly just hurt with your feeling you do not have anything against the person.

Being angry is a worldly response that only creates barriers. 

In our Godly response to people, we come to forgiveness. In our anger, we build barriers not only to the person causing the anger, but it makes it difficult if not impossible to have a Righteous relationship with God. 

We are commanded by Jesus to forgive. Like all of His commands, the reality is- it is the best response to our hurt. 

With forgiveness, we can get on with our lives and have proper relationships with people around us and a closer relationship with God.

Thanks Be to God.

© lonnie coggins

Please Join 'A Daily Thought Group' on Facebook.  
It is designed to be an uncluttered library of only ‘A Daily Thought’ postings.  

 Thanks and God Bless.


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Publication  0192


There is a huge difference between being hurt and angry.  It is all about the ability to forgive.  Click the link for more and  PLEASE SHARE the message on your Fb page as you like, and if you like, click the FB 'Follow' button to have notifications of these publications.  For other messages like this, visit my FB page, or on FB visit-"A Daily Thought Group".

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

The Divine Paradox of A Baby King

The Divine Paradox of The Baby King
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If there is one thought we learn from the Bible it is that in coming to God's ways, we find that God's ways are not our inborn ways.  We are born into selfishness coming into this world crying, desiring and even demanding to be served.   What some call 'the will to survive' often grows into nothing but selfishness.  But, Jesus teaches us the Joy, the Paradox of loving, caring, and the Faith in the Paradox of calling Him Lord of our Lives.

But, from His birth to His death, Jesus showed us how to truly live life.  His birth was totally backward from what was expected by most people of the day, even though it was absolutely predicted, which is also a Paradox.

Even with all the Old Testament prophecy that Jesus fulfilled, at least 48 prophecies, the Jews of Jesus' time expected a King to come in and push out the Romans, instead, they got a baby and did not recognize Him, for most people, even to His death.

It is a Inspired Paradox that-

The King of Kings came as a helpless baby and the only visitors that day were some smelly, scruffy shepherds and their animals.

The King of Kings came to a woman, a young poor woman and only engaged.  Just imagine the embarrassment, there must have been lots of horrible rumors and talk about her.  Her husband was going to be kind and quietly put her away, but He obeyed God and Obediently help raise the King of Kings.

The King of Kings came at the worst of times for His mother.  Pregnant, she rides eight to ten days, about 80 miles (120km) from Nazareth to Bethlehem because of a government decree, a government to eventually fall into ruin, but the reign continues of the King of Kings.

The King of Kings arrives in a small, out of the way town, with no notice, no advance preparation, no parades, no band, and no place to stay but with lowly animals in a stable, family, and a manger, a wooden feed box for the King of Kings.

The King of Kings are protected by strangers, Wisemen from the East.  Even poor, at a time when His family needs to flee to Egypt, men with great gifts provides the money for the King of Kings.

The King of Kings arrives as a baby, a helpless baby but as just baby.  Except in the final moments Jesus deems right, no earthly king can destroy the baby, the man, the Savior- The King of Kings.

It is only in selfishness and as proven long ago, it is only to their self-destruction that people deny the King of Kings.

Life for the baby Jesus was a paradox,
    just as are His teaching are a Paradox for us- 
           until we Learn that His way and that 
                     His Love is what is truly Best for us in our lives.  
   Then and only then, out of Jesus' love for us, 
             can we feel the real Joy in our Lives He alone brings us.
But the real Paradox, the Divine Paradox,
  We would not know of Mary and Joseph,
      Nobody would care about Ceaser Augustus and a census,
          A tale of Wisemen from the East would be pointless,
            There would be no announcement of a Baby King,
               no record of a baby in Bethlehem,
                  no account of the shepherds,
                      no Herod killing children in fear of the throne,
                         no Joy of living in the Grace of God,
If it were not for the Obedience to the  Cross of Jesus and
    His Resurrection by God.

The tragic paradox is the people 
               who reject The Divine Paradox,
     the same Divine Paradox that
               still inspires and changes people yet today.

Without the Cross 
                     there would be no Christmas.

Thanks Be To God for Sending us Jesus

For more on combating our selfishness and 
                  on the Paradox of the Baby King click-

© lonnie coggins


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Publication  0191

It seemed strange to the people of Jesus' day that the King of Kings would come as a baby. To most people still today, it is no different. But in the Paradox of His birth we find the Paradox of our life and come to realize He is the King of Kings. Click the link for more and share as you are lead to do. Merry Christmas

Saturday, December 21, 2013

The REAL Reason for the Christmas Season

The REAL Reason for the Christmas Season
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We DO NOT Celebrate Christmas JUST because

     Jesus fulfilled over 48 prophecies of the Old Testament or
     Jesus loves us or
     Jesus was born of a young virgin or because
     Jesus was born in Bethlehem as prophesied or
     Scraggly Shepherds were scared by angels or because
     Some Wisemen from the East showed up with expensive gifts or
     Joseph was told to take Jesus to Egypt or
     Jesus grew up as a good child.
We DO NOT Celebrate Christmas JUST because
     Jesus impressed the Temple rulers at age 12 or
     Jesus taught great sermons or because
     Jesus was a good person or
     Jesus healed the sick or because
     Jesus out-witted the Temple leaders in verbal boxing or
     Jesus fed 5000 with a couple of fish and some bread or
     Jesus walked on water or because
     or any of the other earthly things He did in his life.

We DO CELEBRATE Christmas because-
     Jesus was obedient to our Father God and
     Jesus was obedient to His mission on the Cross,


       God verified all the prophecy and

        God Sanctified all the Words of Jesus and

          God Glorified all the Deeds of Jesus 

            By Raising Jesus from the Dead.

We Celebrate Christmas because of

        The Cross and the Resurrection.

Without the Cross
      there would be no Christmas.

Believe in Jesus,
    Follow Jesus,
        Seek the Kingdom ONLY because
It will change your life.

Thanks be to God.   
© lonnie coggins


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© Lonnie Coggins

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Publication  0190

What line are you in this Season. Here are some thoughts on the REAL reason we Celebrate the birth of a baby boy.  It might not be what you think.   Click the Link, share as you like on your fb page.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The Joy found in a Beacon in the Night

The Joy of a Beacon
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The Validity of Jesus' Testimony

12When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."13The Pharisees challenged him, "Here you are, appearing as your own witness; your testimony is not valid."14Jesus answered, "Even if I testify on my own behalf, my testimony is valid, for I know where I came from and where I am going. But you have no idea where I come from or where I am going.15You judge by human standards; I pass judgment on no one.16But if I do judge, my decisions are right, because I am not alone. I stand with the Father, who sent me.17In your own Law it is written that the testimony of two men is valid.

In 1975, Wake Island in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, had one low power beacon working on a very dark and dangerous night. The danger on that fateful night inroute to Wake Island from Hawaii was in a unanticipated series of packed thunderstorms my crew and I flew into in our Air Force C-130 far from our destination.  For two hours we dodged the lightening as we picked our way through little openings in the fierce storm.  As the navigator, I just tried to make sure we stayed on a path headed generally west because we did not have the fuel to turn back to Hawaii.  We were committed to finding the tiny two-legged little island about two miles long and a 300 yards wide..

As we broke out of the storm the navigation beacon on Wake Island was not yet available and I knew we were well off course.  With navigation off the North Star and a star in the west, I soon found we were 70 miles off course.  After making corrections for the pilot to fly, I felt comfortable we were headed accurately to a safe arrival at Wake Island.  I told the pilot we would receive the beacon in about 45 minutes and we would be on a heading of about 268 degrees.    I was confident, but the pilot was elated when the beacon came up and about as I predicted.  The pilot trusted me, but still most elated to have the confirmation of what the stars had accurately told me in determining the aircraft position.  In reality, the stars told me more information than the beacon told the pilot.  The difference was, the pilot could control and tune in the beacon but had no concept of what I did to determine our position over the ocean.  For me I had the most accurate information based on the stars God put in the sky for my navigation.

In the picture above recently seen on Facebook, I thought about how a lighthouse is a beacon to boats and ships just as the electronic beacon was to the pilot, and the stars were a beacon to me on that fateful night.

We all navigate from storm to storm in our lives and we need help in our storms that is secure to help guide us to safe landings, successful dockings, and accurately finding our destinations.  Many people use their self confidence to guide themselves from storm to storm in life and just like the beacon at Wake Island self-confidence is fleeting and  is not always there to safely guide us.  But, for me, I was always accurate and most secure with my navigation using God’s stars.  They were always there in the right place, shining for me to depend on, and never ever leading me to anything but successful destinations.  This is the same with the teachings and the life of Jesus.

Jesus came too as The Beacon, The Beacon to save us from ourselves and our inbuilt sometimes fleeting self-confidence.  We depend far too much on ourselves and lead a bumpy life because of it.  God and Jesus does not always push our bumps out of our way, does not always remove us from our circumstances, and life is bumpy even with Jesus as our Lighthouse, our beacon, and our stars.  But,  just as the Lighthouse showed the ship officers the bumps in the water and the smoother water to navigate around them, just as my radar showed me where the most volatile dangerous storm clouds were, Jesus and His teachings show us the way through our often stormy lives.  The storms can push us around and rough us up, but when we keep our focus on the Light of Life, we know better waters and smoother flying is ahead.  We just have to trust God, Trust the Light of Jesus; and accept the Guidance, the nudging, the inward feelings presented by the Spirit of Jesus, the Holy Spirit to guide our lives; in this, navigating our storms is still a task we must do, but the vision we gain with our Beacon helps us over the bumps, guides us through, and sometimes at our lowest of lows will carry us through..

Trust God, Trust Jesus, Trust the Holy Spirit,
   Trust changes your life.

Thanks be to God.

© lonnie coggins

Please Join 'A Daily Thought Group' on Facebook.  It is designed to be an uncluttered library of only ‘A Daily Thought’ postings.  

 Thanks and God Bless.


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© Lonnie Coggins

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It was a dark night, storms everywhere, and for most people trying to find an very tiny island in the middle of the Pacific, it would have been a scary time.  But, a calmness reigned in my life even when I did not realize its source.  This is a true story that I now easily give God the Glory for my calmness.  The Holy Spirit is with believers, even when we do not realize it.  Click the link for a story about a dark and stormy night.  Share on your fb page as you desire.


Publication  000