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Saturday, May 4, 2013

A Random Thought: Spine Tingling Moments

A Random Thought:                                 
Spine Tingling Moments
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There are brief moments in life that move us, become very special, and maybe, we even take a picture of the moment with the camera in our eye that allows us to enjoy that moment in the years to come.

A friend of mine was visiting with her mother in an assisted living center, the Alzheimer unit when the group there was watching a Bill Gaither Hymn Sing show on TV.  His group was singing some of the 'old' traditional church songs.  My friend started humming and singing what was on TV.  In just a few moments, many of the residents began to do the same.  Many of these residents cannot form an understandable sentence, but they were recalling and in their fullness, singing a song of their younger years that left a deep impression.  My friend wrote, "It was a moving experience."

My dad in his last years in the same facility did not talk much but I remember hearing him pray.  It was a short prayer, "Lord Take Me.".  I heard it many times before the hair stood on the back of my neck with my thought, "I hope in my last days, I too am praying to God."  It is the only public prayer I ever heard my father pray.  That made it all the more special.

When I stop and think about my mother's last moments I often feel the tingling in my spine.  She had pneumonia and had been gurgling and rasping for breath for the better part of the previous 24 hours.  Several times as I sat with her in her last day I had told her I loved her but it was time for her to go on to see Jesus.  She held on.  About 1:00 pm my pastor came to see us.  She stayed awhile and as she was about to leave, Brenda had a prayer.  I was holding my mother's hand as Brenda prayed.  In the middle of that prayer, the gurgling and rasping stopped, and mother was gone.  My spine still tingles as I write this and tears want to come.

What a wonderful gift my parents gave me as their life ebbed into eternity.

Spine tingling moments are often a gift of the Holy Spirit touching our most inner soul.  Cherish them, share them, as it might help others understand why in special times their spine tingles and the hair stands on the back of their neck.  For many, it is a Gift of the Holy Spirit telling you, "All is well, carry on".

God is Good.
Thanks be to God.


© lonnie coggins


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Publication  0128

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