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Friday, February 1, 2013

Finding Real Life Through Prayer

Breathing is not Life,                            Return to Main Menu
Life is Believing...                     Click here for Part 2

Why we need a prayerful life through the Holy Spirit.

A common thought  supposedly from the movie "Hitch" and found on the internet, Facebook, and other websites is:

"Life is not measured by how many breaths you take, but about the moments that take your breath away."

That sounds nice, but generally, nothing could be further from the truth!  I have flown close to awe inspiring mountain peaks that somewhat took my breath away; flying for hours and seeing nothing but water and sky, I have seen the vastness of the Pacific ocean and the magnificence of the night sky uncluttered with man-made light.  I have viewed the the carvings of the Grand Canyon, the delicate moment of a bird landing on a limb and many other sights that showed breath taking moments of nature.  I have flown in combat with many "breath away" moments where life itself hung in the balance.  None of these did anything about appreciating or "measuring" life when compared to knowing God's love in my life.  

Do not think I am a cynic, nature, God's created nature is beautiful and combat brings life into a most real perspective few people understand.  But feeling the Love of God and the Power of the Holy Spirit in living life is what makes Life measurable,  breathing remarkable, living incredible,  and yes- at times, it truly takes my breath away.

All people believe in something if nothing more than themselves and whatever living they can create for themselves.  Most people believe in a higher power commonly referred to as God, but still live in shadows of a world they create for themselves.  

Some people believe in God and accept Jesus as the Son of God and believe He was crucified, died, was buried and rose three days later and these people still live in whatever world they can create for themselves.  

Finally, there are many of us 
who in accepting Jesus as the Son of God, believe 
He was crucified, died, was buried, and rose three days later.  
Then we pursue
     Living Life NOT in what we create for ourselves 
but live in 
Knowing Life is Believing and Living
 in the power of the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit comes to us, resides in us
 in and by our faith in Jesus Christ!  And 
the Holy Spirit  is 
Growing us Spiritually through Its Guidance
which then
Leads to living life In Jesus Christ as God intendeds for us.  

      Real measurable life is 
living God focused as defined through the Holy Spirit daily guiding and focusing our lives on God's will for our lives 
     rather than 
a life enslaved to selfishness defined through our self-centered desires controlling our self-focused lives.

Life is truly a journey, a difficult journey regardless of living in and through the Holy Spirit or not.  
The difference is by living our lives through the guidance of the Holy Spirit there develops in us 
a greater faith in Jesus, 
a hope for the future, and 
a love for God in our life 
that we do not feel, have, or completely experience otherwise. 

 In the daily sometimes drone of a busy exhausting life, it is so very easy to forget to whom we belong, who gave us life, 
and let slip away our greatest source of strength we have, 
the Godly Guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Through the Holy Spirit in and through our lives,
 we do not just survive but truly thrive in our daily living.

But, what does it take for us to allow the Holy Spirit to more fully grow Spiritual Maturity in our faith?  Jesus' leadership example provides the answer!

Click here for Part 2,  
        Finding Real Life Through Prayer

Thanks be to God

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© Lonnie Coggins


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