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Thursday, March 15, 2012

Random Thoughts for March 2012 week 1

Random Thoughts

If God wanted us to talk more than we listen, 
He would have given us two mouths and one ear. 
        Hmmmmm .............maybe He did, 
                              and called them politicians.

Some people say they hate another person. 
  When they do that, they sin. 

Jesus tells us to love our neighbor, 
     and everyone is our neighbor.  

In answering questions from (of all things) a lawyer, 
Jesus tells that loving our neighbor is the ...second great commandment. 

It is not an option, it is sinful not to. 

Now, I have many students and friends, 
I hate none of them.... 
     some of them I just do not like their behavior! 

We can love our enemies, 
but we are not required to like their behavior.


Do not let someone's poor planning 
    create a panic emergency in your own life.


You really do not know how to live 
   until you have something greater than yourself to die for. 

In Vietnam, I would have gladly died 
    to protect one of my friends or 
       for my country, 
in learning that, 
    the real answer comes, .....
        that I would gladly die for Jesus.


In the adventure we call our lives, 
some days there is nothing but sunshine and sand, 
and the path is easy; 

but it is the days we meet boulders in our path, 
those boulders teach us the most. 

We grow physically and emotionally stronger in moving those boulders from our path. 

But, in our weaknesses, we grow stronger spiritually 
when in Humility 
we are required to depend on the Lord 
to help move the mountains in front of us. 

God made us, and just like a parent, 
He wants to help us in all our trials, sorrows, pebbles and mountains. 

Thanks be to God.


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