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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

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November 2012       on Faith

March Week 1, 2012

March Week 2 2012

March Week 3, 2012

March Week 4, 2012

© lonnie coggins


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© Lonnie Coggins

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Publication 80

Random Thoughts for March 2012 week 4

Random Thoughts  March 2012    Week 4

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In my childhood, 

when we spent considerable time making something, 
    we liked it. 
As we gained knowledge we created more important things, 
     and we liked it. 
When we bought our first car, 
    we treasured it because we worked to get it. 

As parents, 

we have children, 
carefully nurture them, 
train them, 
take care of their needs, 
and love them. 

When our children get hurt, we hurt;
    we are excited for them 
           when they achieve something worthy;       
we would even give up our life for them 
      if they were in trouble. 

In this, we are following the example of Jesus. 
     We should strive to do that every day, 
          live the example of Jesus. 

As we desire great things for our creations, 
so too does Jesus desire great thing of us.


God Keeps His Promises:.....
  Of the Old Testament

Genesis, Ch 12 and 17 are perhaps my favorite 
 for it teaches us much about the God we worship. 

God made great promises to Abraham and the Hebrews; 
       to Abraham have many offspring, 
          to Abraham and the Hebrews 
                  a great nation, of many nations, 
                           much land, and many blessings. 
For nearly 25 years Abraham waited on children. 
In the end and until today God continues this promise. 

Look at Jerusalem, after nearly 2000 years, 

    Jerusalem and the land of Israel was returned to the Jews. Even today, in their Godly nature, God is protecting the believing Jews. It is most interesting that a little country of Israel with only eight million people can be so hated by so many.  So many Muslims still hate the Jews simply because of God’s promise to Abraham and continued protection. In Genesis 12:3, God promises: “I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed." I believe that promise continues today. 

 Iran and the USA should take notice. 

 God keeps His promises.

 In the same way we can depend on God to keep His promise of Jesus to those who believe Jesus is the Christ.   

 Thanks be to God.

© lonnie coggins


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Publication 0079

The Goodness of Knowing You are Lost

The Goodness of Knowing You are Lost

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Knowing you are lost when you are lost 
   is far better than
      being lost and not knowing.   
Not knowing you are lost leads you to real trouble.

As a navigator on a C-130 cargo airplane I was always responsible for the position of the plane.  For me, I was never lost, even when I did not know where I was, I was never lost.  Now, I might have been temporarily disoriented but lost?  I  was never lost.  Even when at night, in the darkness of the middle of the Pacific, after dodging severe thunderstorms for an hour, when asked by the pilot, "I need a heading (direction to fly), Lonnie"; I always had the answer.  I worked at always having some idea of where I was.  But, this was not true for a pilot and his navigator planning to land at Takhli Royal Air Base in Thailand late one clear afternoon in June of 1973.

Takhli had a runway running North/South, easy to find, and had plenty of electronic navigation aids.  One afternoon, a plane in front of us was planning to land at Takhli, went through all the clearance procedures and landed.  But, upon landing, the tower could not see the airplane on the runway to give it taxi procedures for parking.  It was a big "Oh no" moment for the pilot and navigator. The problem with the landing was another North/South runway about three miles almost due south of Takhli. The "oh no" was the big "no no" of landing at a tower controlled airport without clearance, that plane, now behind us, was on the wrong runway at the wrong airport, temporarily lost.  A pilot and navigator with plenty of navigation aids and on a clear day were lost and did not know it.

There are many "good people" we see every day that are lost and do not know it.  Here are some ideas to think about to determine if a friend is possibly disoriented or just plain lost.

You just might be lost if:

1-  You go to church on Sunday and live your life the other six days never thinking of or about Jesus Christ.

or if

2-  You tell people, "I love my church" but cannot remember the last time you told God or anyone "I love God".  Ok, you are thinking, "I love God, and He knows it, why do I have to say it."  I ask you, "If you have children, does it not feel good to hear it from your child, 'I love you dad' or 'I love you mama'."

or if

3-  You tell people or think, "I am a good person, I help others,  why do I have to repent of my sins, I am not the worst person in the world, so why do I have to worship God?"

or if

4-  You cannot remember the last time you prayed.  Hearing a prayer does not count.  Through our prayers, Jesus knows us better.  God does know all our thoughts, but He still wants us to tell Him what we think and what we need?
or if

5-  You can remember the last time you prayed and it was all about, "I want".

or if

6-  Your prayers are mostly, "Dear Lord, I need.....  and I need it right now."

or if

7-  Your name is on a church membership list but no one at any church knows you.

or if

8-  Your Bible has dust on it.

or if

9-  You cannot remember the last time you heard 
            "Repent" from the pulpit or in Sunday School.

or if

10-  You have read all nine of these and you really think you are safe.  When was the last time you asked God to forgive you of your sins?  Repenting seems to be a rarely used word in many churches but, 

Jesus had important words for us about being repentant.  It was the His first command, not the greatest command, but the first command of Jesus:

Matthew 4:17 NIV

From that time on Jesus began to preach,
     "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near".

Being repentant of our sins, is good for us, it cleans our heart and releases us from great worry, worry we might not even realize we have.

Luke 15:7 NIV

"I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent."

Thanks Be to God
And the lost pilot and navigator
they were punished!  Upon arrival back at their home base, they were relieved of their operational flying duties, put through "some" retraining, and went through full testing of all phases of flying before being returned to full flying duty.  It was a warning to everyone.  

Use your Navigation Aids 
Don't Get Lost

Who is your Navigator, so you don't get lost?
Live Life with the Perfect Navigator,
He will always have the right guidance and direction to go.

Thanks Be to God


© lonnie coggins


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© Lonnie Coggins

If you desire to use any of these messages in a For-Profit manner you must contact me (email) for permission.  Typically, I will most likely give permission.

Please email me if you find any broken links in this message.


Publication 0078

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

10 Thoughts on God’s Intentional Will for Us (c)

10 Thoughts
          Of God’s Intentional Will for Us  (c)


Keys to Living in the Fullness of His Grace           
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"I have come that they may have life and have it to the full "
(John 10:10, NIV).

"My food," said Jesus, "is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work." (John 4:34 NIV)

This list could be done in many ways.  But, maybe this will give you pause to think about living in the Will of God.
Light blue text indicate links to the Bible. the NIV is referenced, but you can change the version when you click the link.

  1. To "Seek First the Kingdom of God..."  Matthew 6:33
    This takes selfishness out of the our effort in living our lives.  In this seeking of the Kingdom, God is telling us that He wants a relationship with us.
  2. To Love God and be in Obedience to Him   
     Matthew 22:41-46
  3. To Love Others as we would love ourselves
          Matthew 22:41-46
  4. To Accept God's Love, Grace, To accept Jesus as our Savior, To Accept the Holy Spirit into our Lives as our Guide and Comforter, and
    all the other things he does for us.

  5. To "Repent, ..."-  Matthew 4:17,
    Since Jesus said it, it must is good for us,
    After all, it is the first command of Jesus.
  6. " Pray without ceasing, and
             Give thanks in all circumstances,"
     and To pray and pray and pray ----- everyday for the infilling of the Holy Spirit to give us
     the strength we need.   2nd Thessalonians 5:17-18 

     Matthew 26:41 NIV

  7. To live in life in the Perfect Example Jesus’s behavior
  8. In Humility and submission to God,
         be merciful to others.  (Matthew 5:7)
               Meekness or Boldness, Both?

  9. Do not worry. It is a killer and sinful.  (Matthew 6:25)
              "Worried Sick" 
    is not an uncommon phrase in western society and medical research shows its truth.  There is great medical evidence linking worry to heart disease.  In Jesus' comments about worry, He also gave us the command to not worry.  Worry interferes with our ability to seek God in our lives and anything that greatly impedes our seeking the Kingdom is sinful.  We need to be concerned about issues in our life, but according to Jesus the worries of our lives is not constructive behavior that leads us to the Kingdom. 
    Matthew 6:25-34
    lick here for more thoughts about   Living Without Worry
  10. Live in God's will praying often 
    “Not my Will but Your will be done”.

          Luke 22:42 NRS   
    God in His love He freely give us
    will help us accomplish His will for us.
I am sure there are more than 10 elements, behaviors, or actions that we could find in God's will for us.  If you can achieve all these let me know and I will try to find 10 more for you.

or     Send me your thoughts, link is below.

Thanks be to God

© lonnie coggins

Please Join 'A Daily Thought Group' on Facebook.  
It is designed to be an uncluttered library of only ‘A Daily Thought’ postings.  

 Thanks and God Bless.

Click Here to go to  "A DAILY THOUGHT GROUP"   

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© Lonnie Coggins        source- Facebook "A Daily Thought Group"              www.adailythought.NET

If you desire to use any of these messages in a For-Profit manner you must contact me (email) for permission.  Typically, I will most likely give permission.

Please email me if you find any broken links in this message.


GOD'S INTENTIONAL WILL FOR US IS NO MYSTERY.  Just look to Jesus.  Jesus clearly lays out God's will for us in our lives.   The hard part - Giving up our daily selfishness in our desire to control our lives.   Please share the message on your Fb page as you like and if you like, click the FB 'Follow' button to receive notifications of these publications.  For other messages like this, visit my FB page, or on FB visit-"A Daily Thought Group".

Publication 0077


Sunday, November 18, 2012

Menu Personal Spiritual Development

Menu -  Personal Spiritual Development

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Heavenly Threats Because of Earthly Success
 Part 1                  Part 2

What God Does For Us

What Do You Want
     Religion or a Personal Relationship with God

Finding Peace in a Chaotic World

Mountains in Our Lives
      Sometimes we really have to trust our coach
           while we are conquering our mountains

Seven Thoughts on Faith


© lonnie coggins


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© Lonnie Coggins

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Lessons from Nature Part 4 - Five More Simple Observations from Nature

Lessons from Nature  Part 4
      Five Simple Observations

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Trees need Bark 
      to protect them from the elements around them,
      We have Holy Spirit
                       to Spiritually protect us from life around us.

Flowers grow and bloom from plants in many different soils.
Our lives should equally show God’s Power
    by flowering among the rocks and thorns 
        where we often find ourselves.

We accept God’s gift of nature to provide for our earthly lives,
Why do people find it so hard to accept
     God’s Gift of the Holy Spirit to enrich our spiritual lives.

We can see in awe God's work in our vast universe,
Why do we fail to recognize the God's wonderful handi-work
    even in the smallness of our everyday lives.

God Showers our land with rain that it may be fruitful. 
God Showers us with Blessings,
   gives guidance through the Holy Spirit 
     that we may live and be fruitful in Him.

What connections similar to this can you find in nature.
Let me know.

Thanks Be To God

© Lonnie

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Other links to "Lessons from Nature":

Lessons From Nature Part 1     Simple Signs from Nature

Lessons From Nature Part 2     How Light holds us together

Lessons From Nature Part 3 -  The Fingerprint of God

Lessons From Natrure Part 4- Five More Simple Observations


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© Lonnie Coggins

If you desire to use any of these messages in a For-Profit manner you must contact me (email) for permission.  Typically, I will most likely give permission.

Please email me if you find any broken links in this message.
