Random Thoughts March 2012 Week 4
In my childhood,
when we spent considerable time making something,
we liked it.
As we gained knowledge we created more important things,
and we liked it.
When we bought our first car,
we treasured it because we worked to get it.
As parents,
we have children,
carefully nurture them,
train them,
take care of their needs,
and love them.
When our children get hurt, we hurt;
we are excited for them
when they achieve something worthy;
we would even give up our life for them
if they were in trouble.
In this, we are following the example of Jesus.
We should strive to do that every day,
live the example of Jesus.
As we desire great things for our creations,
so too does Jesus desire great thing of us.
God Keeps His Promises:.....
Of the Old Testament
Genesis, Ch 12 and 17 are perhaps my favorite
for it teaches us much about the God we worship.
God made great promises to Abraham and the Hebrews;
to Abraham have many offspring,
to Abraham and the Hebrews
a great nation, of many nations,
much land, and many blessings.
For nearly 25 years Abraham waited on children.
In the end and until today God continues this promise.
Look at Jerusalem, after nearly 2000 years,
Jerusalem and the land of Israel was returned to the Jews. Even today, in their Godly nature, God is protecting the believing Jews. It is most interesting that a little country of Israel with only eight million people can be so hated by so many. So many Muslims still hate the Jews simply because of God’s promise to Abraham and continued protection. In Genesis 12:3, God promises: “I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed." I believe that promise continues today.
Iran and the USA should take notice.
God keeps His promises.
In the same way we can depend on God to keep His promise of Jesus to those who believe Jesus is the Christ.
Thanks be to God.
© lonnie coggins
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