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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Leadership, Part 2 --  Setting the Example  

Leadership 101,
The Leadership Skills of Jesus
Part2 -  Setting the Example

Setting the example is first and foremost the most important skill of leadership.  It is important simply because the leader’s actions govern and help control the actions and behaviors of his group.  How the leader behaves sets the example of how he expects the group to behave.  It is a poor leader that behaves in one manner and expects better behavior from the group.   It is especially difficult to control a group when the leader is not in control.

All of us have seen good and poor examples of leadership in our daily lives.  From the teachers we had in school and college, to the “bosses” we have or have had in our jobs.  From our experiences, we can see all types of leadership styles.  Even my students at middle school talk about having seen this in their young lives within the school teachers they have had.  The ones they appreciate the most are the ones that were good leaders.  Good leaders in being fair, ready to help, planned well that allowed them to teach well,.... the list goes on.

In all aspects of daily living, in every aspect of leadership skills listed below, Jesus was the consummate leader.  He always walked the walk of the talk He talked.  He never asks us to do what he never did.  In fact, He faced ever challenge we could ever face overcoming them with faith of our heavenly father, depending on God in every moment He lived.  He lived up to every challenge depending on God and never running from any problem.  He executed every leadership skill with perfection.  He was the Perfect Savior by being the Perfect Leader.  Jesus is the Acid Test for how to lead.  We can learn how to lead people is all facets of life, just by following His example of these skills.

In the skills listed below, Jesus was perfect in His example.  From Matthew 5 in the Beatitudes and Sermon on the mount we see His ability to communicate.   His life and ministry was an example of his planning.  In His wilderness experience after being baptized, He planned His ministry using scripture to fulfill Old Testament scripture, to ward off the devil’s temptations, and teaching the more perfect way of living.  His teachings skills are remarkably effective as we are better able to understand God and ourselves better because of what and how He taught.   In anticipation of his disciples needs, he always saw those needs were met.  We even see his planning skills using the Holy Spirit to meet the needs of His disciples and meet our requirements today.   Examples of every leadership skill listed below can be found in the Gospels.  His examples will be the subject of future writings.

But, He is not only the Acid Test on how to lead, he is the Ultimate Example on how to live our lives.  Study the life of Jesus by serious study of the Gospels, and learn from the epistle writers.  Jesus is the litmus of our lives.  Pray to be like Jesus.  Follow His examples of leadership and you will be a great leader, but more importantly, you will also be a Great Follower.

Leadership Skills where Jesus was Most Perfect

I would love to read your comments on how you think Jesus was most Perfect in his demonstration of these skills:

Setting the Example


Effective Teaching


Knowing the Needs and Characteristics of the Group

Using Resources Wisely

Sharing Leadership

Controlling the Group

Representing the Group




  1. Lonnie, I can't tell you how much truth I have found in this. When a leader fails to be willing to sacrifice or commit for the good of the group, that same failure to commit & sacrifice is seen throughout the group. I am heartbroken at how this affects the body of Christ, the Universal Church.

  2. mr. coggins you are awesome
