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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Great Expectation of the Magi

 The Magi and                                        Return To
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Matthew 2:10 
NIV:     When they saw the star, they were overjoyed.
NKJV:  When they saw the star,
                    they rejoiced with exceedingly great joy.
NRSV:  When they saw the star had stopped, 
                    they were overwhelmed with joy.

Matthew 2:1-12 tells us of the 800+ mile, 40+ day journey of the Magi.  It is no small event of the Christmas story as it shows careful preparations based on hope, faith, irony, joy, and expectations.

There is irony in the very fact that rich, Gentile, foreign priests of high honor desired to seek the baby Jesus.  In the days of Jesus, travel was precarious in its danger and was usually done with great preparation and often accomplished in caravans.  Just as Mary and Joseph probably went to Bethlehem with a caravan so to the Magi.  It required preparation for the Magi.  They had to plan provisions, how far to travel each day, determine how many days it would require, how many people/servants to take with them, and on and on and on.  This was no small task.  All this would be done just to find the baby King of the Jews.  The question is why would they care?

The Magi prepared with the hope and faith that they would find the 'King of the Jews' and it is not difficult to understand why they cared in finding a baby that would be King.  Archaeology and in secular writings of the time reveal that among the vast array of Arabs in 'the east' where the Magi originated there were cells of Jewish people that knew their rich Jewish history.  These people were the descendants of the Jews of Israel and Judah that were conquered, taken, and pushed out of Palestine beginning in 721 BC.  From Israel  (northern kingdom) Jews were dispersed to the west in Mesopotamia, some were taken east to Persia/Media (present day Iran), and from Judah in 586, many were taken to Babylon, possibly up to 50,000 of the Judean population of about 120,000 (*1).  But the significance, is perhaps only as few as 10% possibly up to 50% percent returned from Babylon beginning around 520 BC and the ensuing 100+ years (*2).  

For over 500 years stories of Jewish expectations of a Savior were passed down in these Jewish communities of the East.   At the same time in many segments of the Persian and Babylon Jewish communities, the  mixing of the different faiths was common in those 500 years leading up to Jesus' birth.  Within this, Savior expectation stories could have easily been passed to the eastern Magi.  In Matthew's Magi passage, he shows us a few caring Magi, caring because they listened, and in their understanding they found a ring of truth in the Jewish hopes and faith that were stored in those Jewish expectations.

So, these Magi that traveled so very far were likely fully confident in their task, were wealthy and important Eastern priests that set out on their Journey in hope and faith with great expectations.   How ironic it is that they travel seeking the Savior Christ child who is born in their belief "King of the Jews".  How ironic that Arab priests go to the center of power of the Jewish nation asking "Where is the one born king of the Jews?" when a Jewish related King Herod of Palestine sits on the throne in Jerusalem.   How ironic that this King Herod is so shaken he does not think to send spies to find the destination of the Magi.  How ironic Gentile priests seek to submit themselves in worship to a baby Jew and the Jewish priests are overwhelmingly troubled, disturbed, and frightened in their taking no time to find the baby. 

And, in their finding the baby Jesus, it is recorded the Magi are filled with Joy.  Note, it is not recorded that they are happy, rather, that they are overwhelmed with joy, exceedingly!  They come in Joy, falling down, kneeling, and with bowed heads submitting themselves in worship to their new found King, the baby Jesus.  In their gifts, they show not their worth, rather, they demonstrate this child is worthy of their worship.  In their meeting and leaving the baby Jesus, they return home not only a different route, but most notably they return home as different men.

This story connects with us in the 21st Century.  First, there is no information published at the time of Jesus that would in anyway cause us to question the truth of this event or any other of the events recorded about Jesus.   But, well beyond that fact is our connection to the Magi is the same yearning in our hearts as the Magi had in their hearts, to have faith in someone greater than ourselves.  Someone we can believe in, someone who will never fail us in our needful times, someone who will always be there for us.  When we come face to face with that 'someone' and understand what Jesus brings to us in Salvation, as it was with the Magi, we too are changed people.

What are your expectations as you prepare for the Christmas season?  Seek to find your Overwhelming Joy as the Magi did by submitting yourselves to Jesus. The Magi knew with Joy they found the One Savior!  But, we know Jesus is the One Savior not just because of a Star over Bethlehem but, because of the Joy of eye witnesses to an Easter empty tomb.    

In preparation, we celebrate Christmas around the birth of the Christ,  born king of the Jews but destined for sacrifice as our redeeming Savior. In our celebration we show we care and we live in the Joy of Overwhelming Expectations and in the Christian knowledge of a Risen Lord.  In a manner similar to the Magi, we too in Joy understand the 'The Ring of Truth' found in Christ,  and in that 'Ring of Truth' feel compelled to fall down, kneel, and with bowed heads submit ourselves in humble worship to our Savior King and Lord of Lords, Jesus Christ. 

How Magnificent is our God,

Thanks be to God.
The number of Jews that returned to Judah is not really known.  The Judean Jews were in exile about 60 to 70 years and multiplied while in Babylon perhaps doubling their population.  Having settled in Babylon, flourishing in business it is safe to say quite a significant number of Jews and Jewish communities remained behind, perhaps as many as 50,000+.  It is well known from records and archaeology that those returning to Judah had very difficult times.  For many Jews, it was a question of returning to the difficulties of a homeland that many did not know, or continuing their business enterprises in Babylon that were flourishing.

© lonnie coggins


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Publication 0083

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Time in the Trenches

Christmas Time in the Trenches

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It was the end of 1914 and life on the Western front in France was the monotonous trench warfare between the Germans trying to overrun France and the British/French forces trying to defend the sovereignty of France.  Mud was the order of the day on a cold nasty sometimes rainy wearisome day of December 24th along a 27 mile line of trenches with both sides dug in for the winter.   On that Christmas Eve, nobody had a heart for fighting as both sides no doubt prayed to the same Christian God for a swift victory and end to this war, a war that was in its first five months of a four year fight.

As soldiers of both sides fought to stay warm in mud sometimes up to their knees, friendly voices from both trenches begin to call Christmas greetings to the other.  Christmas carols came next, and finally at points along the 27 mile trench, a request not to fire comes.  With great courage, men from both sides slither out of their trench and begin the dangerous walk toward each other, each sympathizing with the other.  It was not a short trip yet still a trip of less than 100 feet for both sides.  A trip fraught with danger and suspicions, yet a cautious trip in Joy.

And, then it was morning, Christmas 1914, there were many rumors of the night before, suddenly, along the trench line a German soldier held up a sign to the British, “Merry Christmas”.  As if a signal from higher authority, out of the rain, the clouds began to open.  In response, the British found the resources to make their own “Merry Christmas” sign and returned the greetings of the moment.   Soon, more signs go up, “No fire” and with that, with great courage, again figures slowly come out of the trenches every so cautiously seeking the “enemy”.  Slowly, more and more muddy, unshaven, dirty soldiers approach the other, each side bearing gifts.  

There are many stories of this event along the 27 mile trench line that first Christmas of World War I, each story with special meaning to those involved.  Each side was sure of victory in the coming year over the other.  But, for about 30+ hours in that Christmas time of 1914, peace came to these warriors; in disobeying the orders of their immediate superiors they experienced a peace that only our Savior Christ can deliver us.

In another vein of thought, imagine your trip in great expectations and imagine you finally arriving at your destination after an 800+ miles on the back of a camel in seeking the newborn “King of the Jews”.  In Matthew 2: 10 it says, “When they saw that the star had stopped, they were overwhelmed with joy.”   These Arab Magi of the East, wealthy men of power, revered priests, and great people of influence in their own country are so filled in their fullness and overwhelming joy, they fall down, worshiping our baby Jesus.   In the coming year, may we too Seek the overwhelming Joy of the the Salvation of Jesus.  In our Seeking, may we too be filled with Joy and Great Expectations in our worship of  our Risen Lord, Jesus Christ.

To find more about "Christmas Time in the Trenches" google "Christmas Time in the Trenches".  

To find more about the power of Seeking the Christ, read the Gospels.

Merry Christmas

© lonnie coggins


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You can print the message including this sharing message only for your friends and for non-profit.  You will have to copy and paste the message to a word processing document.   After you copy and paste add the following at the end of the message:

© Lonnie Coggins

If you desire to use any of these messages in a For-Profit manner you must contact me (email) for permission.  Typically, I will most likely give permission.

Please email me if you find any broken links in this message.

At the end of 1914 in Europe a bloody war was on in France, it was Christmas, a time of celebrating Christ for all sides in World War I.  In a small place where the fighting was hard, something wonderful happened.  In conflict with orders 'enemies' for two nights, became friends through their love of Christ and the desire for peace.  Click the link for the story and share on your fb page as you are lead to do so.


Publication 0082

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Random Thoughts December 2012

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This could be said many ways, just some food for thought:

Wishes, Desires, Hopes, and Faith 
                I don't know but, I think...
  Wishes are what we want and do not really expect to get.
      Desires are what we want and hope to receive.
          Hopes are things we think we need and 
                     perhaps would like sooner than later, but
              Faith is asking for little, knowing that in patience 
                     God will provide what we truly need,
                       even if it comes just barely on time.

All of these are about expectations that we have to handle with care or there can be great disappointments.  To filter disappointments we need to remember what Saint Paul tells us in 1st Thessalonians 5:17-18, Pray often everyday and be thankful in all circumstances.  In the research of Dr. Robert Emmons living in gratitude enhances our body chemistry and our bodily defenses against disease.   Although Paul does not tell us we have to be thankful for our circumstances, it turns out that Paul was right, being thankful in our circumstances with an attitude of gratitude for what we do have is truly good for us.

As parents, we never stop "setting the example" to our children.  How we behave in our daily living communicates far more to our children than anything we say, speak, or preach.  And, the example we set with our behavior, it lasts for a life time, the life time of our children.   It is unfortunate, but very often, perhaps most often, sins of the parents do visit and stay with the children.

What is your witness to others around you?  
All of us in everything we think, do, and say, are a witness to everyone around us.  Whatever we consider most important in our lives occupies our time, our talents, and our money.  Regardless of what we say, of those three things,  it is in our behaviors our true witness to others becomes most apparent.  In our conversations with others, the topics we talk about most is usually what is important to us; but what we do truly shows, demonstrates, and communicates  what is most important to us.  In addition, how we do for others just speaks softly about what is important in our lives; but, more often, what we do personally for and to others shouts what we truly are.   We may write a check to charity and in that we do for others, but when we take the check and add our time and talents to the mix, then our actions truly begins to scream to what we truly are.

What are you in your witness to others around you?  

In your witness to others, 
     there is one thing most clearly crystal clear,
            your witness to others is never invisible.

Was yesterday worth it?
Everyday we live is a gift of God, our creator.

Many people live their lives day to day, some in utter disappointment.  But, it does not have to be this way.  Regardless of where they are in life, in our economic, health, sanity, or whatever, we can do something to make each day worth while.  We should wake up each day trying to determine what we can do to make a positive difference in the life of someone else we meet that day.  

For many people, the daily things we do each day, they pretty much do not count for long term happiness.  For most people most of those daily activities are self centered and do not add to someone else's day.  We need to make a difference in the life of someone else everyday.  When we do this for others and we often are doing for ourselves to make that day truly worthwhile.  All we have to do, is live in seeking to see the needs of others and then as we find them, take advantage of opportunities to help others.  In this, we are on the threshold of God's will for our life.

In this, we come to find and say, "Yes, yesterday was worth the effort."    

I have thought about this a long time and truly enough, and after long, careful and thoughtful consideration, I have determined that 
Conclusions are where we are when we get tired of thinking about something. -----I think.

The reason some people get in trouble with their decisions?  They come to "conclusions" before thinking long enough and looking for all the options.  Life is multiple choice, research all the answers, then pray for Guidance to choose wisely.

Thanks be to God.
(c) lonnie

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Sunday, December 16, 2012

What Line Are You In?

What Line Are You In?

As we get older, our children grow up, Christmas seems to come faster and faster each year, somewhat like birthdays.  We have to be careful, or like birthdays, we may think Christmas comes too often.

As I am now celebrating Christmas as a grandparent and I hope a grand parent, Christmas is becoming more fun than just a few years ago.  But, more importantly, the joy of Christmas is also increasing.  This comes not because of new children in the family but the realization of the importance in my life of the Christ child.

Being retired, I do not have to fight the long lines at the malls as I go at times most people are at work and I finish my use for the malls sooner rather than the day before unwrapping the gifts.  I also tend to think more about what I spend and how I spend it.  But, again more importantly, I think more about the gift of the Christ child.

As I do find myself in lines, I have come to watch people and how they interact with others in their lives.  One can often know that someone has been in the stores too long and dealing with too many long lines when their faces are showing the strain of diminished patience.  I know it is strange but it brings to mind the patience of Joseph as he wandered from place to place to find a place for Mary to lay and give us her gift of the Christ child.

There are long lines to stand in during the Christmas season.  But, the line we do not find is the line to see the Christ child.

Last year, a most beautiful new song was recorded.  It is a story about a check out line and a line to see the Christ child. 

 Here is the story behind the song and links to the song,

(An Original Song) 
Performed by father and daughter, 
Steve Haupt and Becky Kelley 
Inspired by grandson, Spencer Reijgers 
Written by Steve Haupt and Chris Loesch 

The story behind the song, as told by Steve Haupt: 

“While at the mall last year, my four year old grandson saw kids lined up excitedly to see Santa Claus.  Having been taught 
as a toddler that Christmas is the holiday that Christians celebrate the birth of God's son; with the innocence of a child, he 
asked his mom, ‘Where's the line to see Jesus? If Christmas is Jesus' birthday, why don't we see Him more?’ 

As his grandpa, I was so happy that little Spencer understood the meaning of Christmas at such a tender age, and then the words for 
a song were jotted down in just a few minutes.  The song was inspired by my grandson, and the message was inspired by my 
Savior.  Out of the mouths of babes come profound truths that many adults can not understand.  Hopefully Spencer's 
observation and our song will cause people to reflect on the love of Jesus, and the certainty that one day we will all stand in
line to see Jesus.  Merry Christmas everyone.” 

Click here for the video:  Where is the Line to see Jesus

Merry Christmas,
May everytime you ever stand in line again, you ask the question,
"Where is the Line to see Jesus".

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Living with Confidence in our Constant Change - Part 2

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in Our Constant Change   
          Part 2

Matthew 28:6  

"He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. 

 Come, see the place where the Lord lay."

Part 2 of 2                                                  Click Here for Part 1

In the late 1960’s Danny, Bill, and Gloria Gaither after writing many faith filled songs formed a trio and started touring.  Listening to them talk about their songs, it is clear that a thought or a comment was the basis of most of their songs.  One day in those days of the 1960’s, when they were standing in a hospital holding their new born baby, a friend asked them, “How can you bring a baby into this world when things are so bad.”  The thought that came to Bill, “Because He Lives”.  
The importance of that comment, his thought, this song, is that it is in the present tense! For our lives, Jesus is Not just spoken of as a Savior of the past tense, but a Savior now and for our future.   It not a song of faith in the past, but of a Belief of Faith for the here and now and all out futures!  Because of that, this song will live forever.  It our darkest hours, the beliefs expressed in this song gives us strengths beyond what we can do for and by ourselves.  It gives us eternal strength and strength to carry on... regardless of the times we live.

This song was a work in process for a period of time, the first two verses were written at one time just mentioned and on another stressful occasion, the last verse.

I encourage you to watch these two videos of the song.  Not necessarily both at one time but at times when you have the time to feel or read the words, listen, and absorb the message.  You will be glad you did.  The first is a Bill Gaither produced video and gives a message in additional to the song.  The second matches pictures to the words.  In the time it took someone to match the pictures to the words, they made a very moving video.

I ask you to listen not to be entertained but to be inspired; not just to be inspired, but to strengthen your Beliefs and your Faith.  The message of this song is as true today as it was in the turbulent days of the 1960’s, and just as true beyond our years.  With this song in our hearts, even in the worst of times we live we can still live in abundance, we can face tomorrow simply “Because He Lives”.

Gaither Vocal Band --- "Because He Lives"

Just because He lives!
Regardless of our circumstances,
Life IS worth living.... just because of an empty tomb... we know He Lives.

Because He lives
(c) 1971
Bill and Gloria Gaither

  • God sent His son, they called Him, Jesus;
  • He came to love, heal and forgive;
  • He lived and died to buy my pardon,
  • An empty grave is there to prove my Savior lives!
    • Chorus
    • Because He lives, I can face tomorrow,
    • Because He lives, all fear is gone;
    • Because I know He holds the future,
    • And life is worth the living,
  • Just because He lives!
  • How sweet to hold a newborn baby,
  • And feel the pride and joy he gives;
  • But greater still the calm assurance:
  • This child can face uncertain days because He Lives!
    • Chorus
    • Because He lives, I can face tomorrow,
    • Because He lives, all fear is gone;
    • Because I know He holds the future,
    • And life is worth the living,
  • Just because He lives!
  • And then one day, I'll cross the river,
  • I'll fight life's final war with pain;
  • And then, as death gives way to vict'ry,
  • I'll see the lights of glory and I'll know He lives!
    • Chorus
    • Because He lives, I can face tomorrow,
    • Because He lives, all fear is gone;
    • Because I know He holds the future,
    • And life is worth the living,

Living with Confidence in Our Constant Change Part 1

Living with Confidence                Return to Main Menu
in Our Constant Change  
          Part 1

Matthew 28:6  

"He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. 

 Come, see the place where the Lord lay."

Part 1 of 2                                              Click here for Part 2

In the time of Jesus, imagine the Jerusalem rulers’ thinking and with consternation; they could hardly understand that one humble man, a Nazarene no-less, the son of a Jewish carpenter, could create a stir in men’s heart as did Jesus.  Those rulers of the status quo hated the Son of God. They could kill him, they plotted to kill him, selfishly desired to destroy change, and they did so.  But, none of their actions could stop the Reformation in peoples souls and the Revolution The Word of God from the Son of God created.  
These Temple rulers were as blind mice in a granary.  Fat in their abundance and in time, came to be crushed with the crushing of the status quo by Rome.  One hardly wonders if they saw the change coming in the fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD, until it was too late.  After the fall of Jerusalem, the Sadducees, lead by the supreme rulers were never to be heard of again.  In failing to learn, Change had killed them.
Philosopher Eric Hoffer made a comment on change years ago prompted by the times of the 1960’s.  “In times of change learners inherit the earth; while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.”  One could consider that the Temple rulers could have learned from this, it is better to be a learner then the learned.

It is a good quote for us today.  It is the learner who continues to search for Truth and the learner who then flourishes with confidence in the change brought by the Truth; but the learned, often have stopped thinking and make their conclusions, and then rest.  Conclusions are where you are when you stop thinking.  A better quote, a quote that continues to allow us to deal with this life of change we experience; this thought brings us True life, “Because He lives I can face tomorrow.”  Oh, our God is a God of change, a change we can believe in because he does live in our life.  He brings a change in us that we can truly, with confidence, live in Him fruitfully.
The Glory of the Christian faith is the confidence of our belief, that because of one Glorious Resurrection nearly two thousand years ago, we can confidently face what ever change comes our way.  It does not take wealth, an education, or good works to face the changes, challenges, and confrontations of daily living.  It requires only a faith in our Risen Lord Jesus Christ that we can be whole and face all of our tomorrows.  A faith of change from an old way of living,  to living Gloriously everyday in the Grace of God.  A faith of Holiness with Purity at the center of our heart.
As we grow in our faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, we change.  Our faith continues to change us as we grow in that faith.  As we live and grow in Christ, we become more Christ like in our behaviors.  We change, people may comment, but we are confident in the change because we live with greater confidence in the Holy Spirit of God and His Eternal Word.

Thanks Be to God

Click Here for Part 2

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Menu: God's Call To Us

God's Call to Us                                Return to
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God's Intentional Will for Our Lives

Seven Truths In God Speaking to Us

Jesus: The Master of Relationships

Seeking the Kingdom

Giving Up vs Perseverance 

He Calls us to Find Great Freedom 
           to Live in the Borders He Gives US

He Calls Us to Praise Him in Sickness and in Health

He Calls Us to a Godly Relationship with Him

He Calls Us to Depend on Him and Live Without Worry

He Calls Us to Live in Confidence In Our Worrisome Lives

He Calls Us "Because He Lives"

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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Living Without Worry

Living Without Worry
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pray continually;  18  give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.

·        Matthew 6:25 NIV
[Do Not Worry] [6:25-33pp -- Lk 12:22-31] "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes?"

·        Matthew 6:28 NIV
"And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin."

·        Matthew 6:31 NIV
"So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?'"

"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."


Jesus makes it pretty clear, living as God's children, we are not to worry. Three times in 10 verses Jesus tells us not to worry, therefore, it is sinful to worry. We can be concerned but burdensome worry, it truly becomes a killer. Jesus knew what he was Preaching on the Mount.

Some people like their worries. They are so wrapped up in their worries that if they did not have their worries, they would not have anything to talk about. If they had nothing to talk about, they would worry about it. They might have to look for something to worry about, they might worry about not being worried, thinking, "What's wrong with me, I'm not worried!" Well, I certainly do not worry about those people.

In fact, I try very hard not to worry. Oh, like most people, I do slip into worry from time to time in the form of "over concern" about problems, issues, and troubles (PITs). But, for the most part my focus in life is on not worrying but controlling the management of my concerns before they become a worry. Am I concerned and focused on some of those PITs, yes, but worry, no. Worry could kill me because I could easily find so much to worry about.
In the past, I have been a chronic worrier and quite literally, I came to understand worry can lead to death. A friend of mine became worried about his job, to the extreme; he and a 410 shotgun killed himself in their bedroom, with his wife, mother, father, and four children at the dinner table. That is extreme worry, but worry can lead to extreme worry and extreme worry (depression) can lead to clinical depression and to death. I can be concerned and certainly work on my concerns, but I learned to greatly reduce and for the most part eliminate worry from my life. The process described here is just a beginning. I have used mental health professionals and some of what they did is similar to what I describe herein. But, do what you have to do to reduce and eliminate worry, if you cannot on your own, then use mental health professionals. The greater sin is to do nothing.

Eliminating Worry in Your Life

For some of you, I wish I could make this process more complicated as I know you would take it more seriously, but, I like simple; get over it. The process is simple, but the work to complete the process, that is the hard part. Some of your solutions you will not like, get over it.

One activity before starting the "Worry Eliminating" process is this. Paul tells us to "give thanks in all circumstances...". This is good advice but notice, it does not say 'give thanks for the circumstances'. We always have things to which we can give thanks and count our blessings, regardless of our circumstances. When you are emotionally down for whatever reason, first, take note of the blessings in your life. Even in your worst of times there are blessings. In the heat of dangerous times in Vietnam, I found things to be thankful. In the end, I am most thankful for the experiences, and most thankful for surviving the worst of times. Remembering your blessings, takes some of the heat off your trials. And, there is no testimony without your testing and temptations. Then, pray in thankfulness for your blessings.

The difference between concern and worry is this:
Concern is spending constructive time thinking about PITs that you have some control to change or affect their outcome.
Worry is wasted time thinking excessively about PITs in which you have absolutely no control to influence their outcome. Excessive worry leads to chemical changes in the brain leading to clinical depression.

Eliminating Worry in your life can be done with the following attitude and process:

1. Examine, define, and list in writing what the PITs (problems, issues, and troubles) are that causes stress in your life.

2. The first and maybe the hardest part is to eliminate the wants from your list, and do not worry about your wants!  Likewise, don't be too concerned about your wants. If something on your list is causing concern but your life or the life of your family is not dependent on this concern, eliminate it, and forget it. You may want something, but if it is not a true need to sustain your life, you cannot let it put stress in your life, and you have to forget it. You may want a bigger house, a better car, or the best boat, but if you cannot afford it, you must set it aside and then forget it.

3. Looking at your list, determine which of the PITS you can influence and/or control and are able to do something to resolve and satisfy the PITS.

4. Of the items you can do something about, 
       this becomes your "work" list:

A- For each item, create a plan in writing to solve each PIT including the resources needed. Make sure with absolute certainty that you have the control to resolve the PIT and move any uncontrollable parts to the "prayer" list, and remove unnecessary parts.
B- Pray for the courage and Guidance of the Holy Spirit to do what you can do to handle the stress and satisfy the issue.

C- Rank the PITs in order of time related needs and develop a plan for your time and the resources to eliminate the PITs.

D- Go to work on the details of your work list and set reasonable completion dates. It may require huge changes in your life, but pray for the courage to change and the Holy Spirit to guide you in your change. Your life my depend on it.

5. Of the needs you cannot control and do something about
        this becomes your "prayer list" :
A- Pray and submit these PITs to God, and let go of the PITs. Often, in submissive prayer, you may see elements on the pray list that you can resolve. If so, move those to the "work list".
B- One can still be concerned about these PITs but let go of the worry. If you find yourself in worry, immediately start praying.
C- IF you cannot handle it, if you cannot do anything about something, worry does you absolutely no good. But, God can do anything, and will handle it and take care of the the consequences of those PITs. Worry truly damages your ability to think, trust God, and see solutions.

The Sinfulness of Worry

Remember that Jesus told us not to worry!

Jesus did not make it optional, he did not suggest this, it was not a casual remark. He simply said, "... do not worry..." Worry is a creation of mankind. God created us with the ability to choose, with the intention that we choose with His guidance through the Holy Spirit. But, in our selfishness to control our lives, we have our concerns but skip the Holy Spirit guidance. We then over concern ourselves in life's details on things we have no control, letting concerns pile up and then these concerns becomes burdensome worry. In this desire to control our lives and in cutting God out of the process of living our lives, we sin.  Worry is sinfulness when it puts barriers between us and our Personal Relationship with God.

It is sinful to worry, we can be concerned, but worry, no.
Worry is a killer.

Jesus always knew that what he was teaching was/is good for us.

Thanks be to God.

© lonnie coggins


Using Mental Health Professionals,
Psychologists, and Psychiatrists

There is absolutely no doubt in the medical community that worry can lead to death, especially worry that goes into clinical depression.  Once you are clinically depressed you can be and usually are in serious trouble.  At some point in the worry process if you do not find the above process helpful, then possibly you need medical help.

The above process is very likely the beginning stages of doctor related psychological help.  Doing the above, in writing, will speed up the initial interviews with doctors.  They will want to know what it is that worries you and what concerns you.  Your notes and efforts suggested herein will save yourself time and money with the doctor.  Determining your concerns and worries early will help the doctors, but could possibly just help avoid the doctors.


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© Lonnie Coggins

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Intro  ==================

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As we journey this Advent Season, we are in a time of anticipation and preparation.  Unfortunately, for many people, this becomes a time of worry.  Medical doctors have come to understand the week after Christmas is the most worrisome time of year leading to depression.  It has to do with the let down after Christmas, the bills, and even the lack of sunlight.

But, we have The Sonlight in our lives gives us hope and helps sustain us when problems abound.  In just a few words Jesus had volumes to say about "worry".  Click and read on about conquering a most damaging behavior in our lives.  Sometimes in our perseverance to do it all, there is salvation and victory in giving up some of our concerns and learning to Live without all the worry.